--- In Honda-C70@yahoogroups.com, Mike Gladu <mgladu@...> wrote:
> At 1:02 PM +0000 6/15/12, aboard_epsilon wrote:
> >I can give you one good tip ...if you buy your oil in gallons or 5 litres
> >first shake the can before pouring any out.
> >
> >sometimes additives separate out...are either at the top or at the
> >bottom of the can/container.
> >
> >in in effect when you pour out your measures for each oil change
> >..your getting different oil make-up ..if the can hasn't been shaken.
> >
> >so shake that can when its new .......and each time you use some out of it .
> Since we're going by the 'seat of our pants' here, how about my
> personal 'take' on this oil business.
> Shaking the oil can before putting it in the engine might be a waste of time.
> "Additives" that sink to the bottom of an oil container had better
> dissolve when engine heat is applied, otherwise the first few cycles
> through the engine should remove solids and non-metallic sediment at
Any additives in the oil whilst in the engine quickly get mixed in again ..
now with an oil container that's sat on your garage shelf for months ..that's different.
onto ...this is not engine oil ...but i know from personal experience ..that i when use a product called mtf74 gear oil in my cars gear box ..you can actually see the different fractions drain out , if you drain after the cars not been run....and its been drained out a week after i put it in ..i see the same
was noticed because of another problem with the drive shafts...the oils been drained something like 4 times on this car ....every time i noticed this .
what i said cant do any harm ..and only takes a couple of Min's to do ...with a full can, all you can do is revolve it a few times ..no room in it to shake it up .
when used in a car, you use most of the gallon ..so no problem ..
when used in a bike you could be putting oil in with all the additives at the top of the can .....leaving weakened oil for future oil changes ..or the opposite.
all the best..markj
1970-73 C70 Honda Service Manual: http://tinyurl.com/6ebwtw
1970-73 C70 Troubleshooting Guide:
http://tinyurl.com/6ebwtw (scroll to sec.7.1 page 101.jpg)
1980-83 C70 Honda Service Manual: http://tinyurl.com/hu42c
1980-81 C70 Troubleshooting Guide:
http://tinyurl.com/hu42c (scroll to sec.18-1 page 170.jpg)
1982-83 C70 Troubleshooting Guide:
http://tinyurl.com/hu42c (scroll to sec. 20-28 page 205.jpg)
1980-81 C70 Maintenance Schedule: http://tinyurl.com/z4zn6
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